• Thanks Grant and Gail,

    I have been reading on internet regarding statistics on tables in PDW. I got this information that I am pasting here.


    Ideally, you should create stats on all the join columns, group by, order by and restriction. SQL Server PDW does not automatically create and update statistics on the Control node for every occasion when SQL Server creates or updates statistics on the Compute nodes:

    – This will create stat for all columns on all objects

    select ‘create statistics ‘ + b.name + ‘ on dbo.’ + a.name + ‘ (‘ + b.name + ‘)’

    from sys.tables a, sys.columns b

    where a.object_id = b.object_id and not exists (

    select null from sys.stats_columns where object_id in (select object_id from sys.stats_columns group by object_id having count(*)>=1)

    and object_id = b.object_id and column_id = b.column_id)

    order by a.name, b.column_id;


    But I don't know this will work or not.

    Please let me know If you have any material that I can follow for PDW.

    That would be really helpful to me.


    “ The future belongs to those who are virile, to whom it is a pleasure to live, to create, to whet their intelligence on that of the others. ”
    — Sir Henri Deterding