• try this

    Declare @start_dte as datetime = '01-Apr-2014'

    , @end_dte as datetime = '30-Apr-2014'

    Declare @WeekDayTable Table ( colWeekDayID tinyint

    , ColWeekDayName varchar(20)

    , ColIsWeekEnd bit


    Declare @HolidayTable Table ( ID int identity(1,1)

    , HolidayDt Datetime


    insert into @WeekDayTable

    Select 1,'Sunday', 0 union all

    Select 2,'Monday', 1union all

    Select 3,'Tuesday', 1union all

    Select 4,'Wednesday', 1 union all

    Select 5,'Thursday', 1union all

    Select 6,'Friday', 1union all

    Select 7,'Saturday', 0;

    insert into @HolidayTable

    Select '02-Apr-2014';

    ;With cCalender



    Select N AS ID, dateadd(dd,N-1,@start_dte) AS CalenderDate

    , DATEPART(DW,dateadd(dd,N-1,@start_dte)) as WeekDays

    , DATENAME(DW,dateadd(dd,N-1,@start_dte)) as WeekDayName



    Select top 10000 row_number() Over (Order by o.id) as N

    from sysObjects o

    cross join sysobjects oo

    ) Tally

    Where dateadd(dd,N-1,@start_dte) <= @end_dte


    select count(*) AS NoOfBussinessDays

    from cCalender c

    Where Not Exists ( Select 1

    From @WeekDayTable w

    Where c.WeekDayName = w.ColWeekDayName

    And ColIsWeekEnd = 0


    And Not Exists ( select 1

    from @HolidayTable h

    where h.HolidayDt = c.CalenderDate


    Hope it helps