• enriarg (4/3/2014)

    Also as a post done here about 4-5 months ago they cover partitioned views, which as Jay posted contradicts the post you have done about querie all tables on the views, also I think you overlook the encryption of views as a feature.

    Again, I did not say views are not a useful tool. I am currently implementing partitioned views. I also have created triggers and I use Cursors (a lot). I use Temp Tables, Table Variables, and any number of other specialized tools. I run SQL Profiler (both GUI and Scripted). I don't understand what there is in my comments that gives you the impression I am not aware of the capabilities and uses of views.

    What I am saying, is that application developers (3GL and 4GL programmers VB, C#, C++) tend to jump on views and functions as quick, easy, Code ReUsing, solutions to problems. And then the views tend to proliferate and spawn new views. In that sense they are bad. And the disease is hard to cure once it is in place.

    Here's another example. When I ask a developer why they used "Select Distinct" it is not because I don't think Distinct is a useful tool. It is because, over the years I have seen a number of very significant query logic, database design, data quality errors covered up by Select Distinct.