• Hi thanks so much for replying and helping me however when I make the change you suggest the result I get is :

    Result -

    Item $

    1.5 69

    0.5 23

    Subtotal NaN NaN

    The values that were previously displayed as numbers now read NaN and still in the list rather than sum.

    The underlying data is from a SQL data base and is in decimal format.

    I tried using <xsl:value-of select='format-number(sum(../../*/*/costs), "###,###.00")' /> and this gives the same result as above, ie with NaN

    If I just use <xsl:value-of select='format-number(costs, "###,###.00")' /> directly on costs I get the numbers, but not summed! so back to where I started.


    Item $

    1.5 69

    0.5 23

    Subtotal 69.00 23.00

    Grateful for any further suggestions.