• Hi

    I'm not sure that I have your requirements right, but this may help you with your problem. Basically I am unpivoting your data so I can reorder the tyres in another pivot. This can be used to compare the tyre sets to the next row. I think that there is enough here to get the results that you require?

    WITH trailertyredata AS (

    SELECT *


    (1, CAST('20140110' AS DATETIME), 'ABC123', '12345', '23456', '34567', '45678', '56789', '67890'),

    (2, CAST('20140115' AS DATETIME), 'ABC123', '1Z345', '23A56', '34567', '45678', '56789', '67890'),

    (3, CAST('20140120' AS DATETIME), 'ABC123', '23456', '34567', '45678', '12345', '56789', '67890'),

    (4, CAST('20140125' AS DATETIME), 'ABC123', '1234S', 'Z3456', '345G7', '4S678', '5G789', '67B90'),

    (5, CAST('20140110' AS DATETIME), 'XYZ456', '12345', '23456', '34567', '45678', '56789', '67890'),

    (6, CAST('20140115' AS DATETIME), 'XYZ456', '1Z345', '23A56', '34567', '45678', '56789', '67890'),

    (7, CAST('20140120' AS DATETIME), 'XYZ456', 'Z3456', '1234S', '345G7', '4S678', '56789', '5G789'),

    (8, CAST('20140125' AS DATETIME), 'XYZ456', '1234S', 'Z3456', '345G7', '4S678', '5G789', '56789')

    ) a (ID, Received, TrailerID, Tyre1, Tyre2, Tyre3, Tyre4, Tyre5, Tyre6)


    -- Unpivot and resort the tyres the data

    unpivottyre AS (

    SELECT ID, Received, TrailerID, a.Tyre,


    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY TrailerID ORDER BY Received dESC) ReceivedRank

    FROM trailertyredata t

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT tyre FROM (VALUES(t.Tyre1), (t.tyre2), (t.tyre3), (t.tyre4), (t.tyre5), (t.tyre6)) x(tyre)) a


    -- pivot the data again with sorted tyres

    repivottyre AS (

    SELECT ID, Received, TrailerID,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 1 THEN Tyre END) Tyre1,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 2 THEN Tyre END) Tyre2,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 3 THEN Tyre END) Tyre3,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 4 THEN Tyre END) Tyre4,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 5 THEN Tyre END) Tyre5,

    MIN(CASE WHEN TyreRank = 6 THEN Tyre END) Tyre6,

    MIN(ReceivedRank) ReceivedRank

    FROM unpivottyre

    GROUP BY ID, Received, TrailerID


    -- compare to the next set of tyres based on date

    comparetyres AS(

    SELECT a.ID, a.Received, a.TrailerID, a.Tyre1, a.Tyre2, a.Tyre3, a.Tyre4, a.Tyre5, a.Tyre6, a.ReceivedRank,

    CASE WHEN a.tyre1 = b.tyre1 and a.tyre2 = b.tyre2 and a.tyre3 = b.tyre3 and a.tyre4 = b.tyre4 and a.tyre5 = b.tyre5 and a.tyre6 = b.tyre6 THEN




    END SameAsNext

    FROM repivottyre a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN repivottyre b ON a.ReceivedRank = b.ReceivedRank + 1 AND a.TrailerID = b.TrailerID


    select ID, Received, TrailerID, Tyre1, Tyre2, Tyre3, Tyre4, Tyre5, Tyre6

    from comparetyres

    where ReceivedRank = 1 or

    (ReceivedRank = 2 and SameAsNext = 0);Edit: Added some more data