• dost ind (3/29/2014)

    I want to write rolling 12 SQL query with following data , input will be FY and period no ie @FY=14, @P=3

    my result should show rolling 12 months only from FY 14 3,2,1 months from year 13 - 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4

    how to do this .group by Dept and objsub. please help






    Insufficient information provided to really be of any help.

    Please post the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement(s)) for the table(s) involved in the query, sample data for the table(s) as a series of INSERT INTO statements (please note that some people that may try to help may still only have SQL Server 2005), and expected results based on the sample data. The sample data should have values that will be included and excluded from the desired results.

    Need help with this? Please read the first article I reference below in my signature block.