• djackson 22568 (3/28/2014)

    For those of you reading this, obviously most of you are far, far better than the inept people I deal with. It isn't even fair to talk about SQL Server Central users and my vendor's DBAs in the same paragraph, but I want to make sure nobody reading this thinks I am referring to them. Clearly most of my vendor's DBAs frequently can't spell Google, as if they could, there is no way to be as bad as they are.

    I've been a production DBA for years. When my company was still doing development I can't count the number of days that I was glad our dev team and dev DBA were in Washington state and I was working in Ohio. Otherwise I would probably be in jail for assault or worse at this point. 😀

    But I still thank you for the compliment about SQL Server Central users.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.