• Robert.Sterbal (3/28/2014)

    An environment that lowers the risk to the customer and our internal organization is the one that we strive for. Setting expectations and having a good baseline are critical parts to that.

    There is no such thing as a perfect environment for everyone. Just like their is nor perfect food for everyone. My last company the emphasis was recoverablity and uptime. That included clustering and data replication to an offsite location.

    My current company the emphasis is data protection and hosting. So I went from 5 SQL instances on two clusters to 80+ SQL instances on individual servers. And then later on it was making groups of five instances ready for dev, QA and eventually production servers all that were relatively consistent.

    Some things are needed in any environment such as backups and reporting. But if you can't adapt to different needs as a DBA you need to get learn to identify the needs of your employer and go from there.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.