Home Forums SQL Server 2012 SQL 2012 - General SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence of I/O Requests taking longer than 15 seconds RE: SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence of I/O Requests taking longer than 15 seconds

  • sqlbuddy123 (3/27/2014)

    True. But it's good to document the setting so that you are aware of that and will help you with troubleshooting in the future.


    I know but I didnt install server, but with external . I am not directly DBA..we dont have,but only I have some knowledge and experience about SQL... I am doing in my freetime, because i am interesting in SQL 🙂

    I was mentioning about the possible reasons for that SQL server failure. And they are not the only reasons. Could be something else too ..

    Check this for more info Memory Leaking


    Cluster Log could be helpful in finding the actual reason.



    thank you I will check


    I checked my data from Data collection. I saw for tempdb from 13 march from 10MB/sec was progresivelly increased to 19-20MB/sec to this crash time. I didnt check before 13.march, because I created Data collection in this date

    I checked now for last 24hours and it is about 1-2MB/sec and for yesterday 24hours and it was 2-4MB/sec

    So it looks like next problem with temporary database.