• might be this will be handy and more readable

    with cte as (

    SELECT DISTINCT t1.DealerID, t2.tire,

    TotalRepairs = SUM(1) OVER (PARTITION BY t1.DealerID),

    RepairsOfThisTire = SUM(1) OVER(PARTITION BY t1.DealerID, t2.tire),

    PercentOfTotalRepairOrders = ROUND((SUM(1.0) OVER(PARTITION BY t1.DealerID, t2.tire)/SUM(1.0) OVER (PARTITION BY t1.DealerID)) *100,0)

    FROM dbo.Table1 t1

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Table2 t2

    ON t2.RepairId = t1.RepairId


    SELECT * FROM cte


    ORDER BY PercentOfTotalRepairOrders DESC

    since you are using Sql 2012 you can use Lead or Lag function to calculate Total percent by Dealer Group and you can get the desire result

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