Home Forums SQL Server 2005 SQL Server Newbies LEFT JOIN not returning anticipated results from Left table in query RE: LEFT JOIN not returning anticipated results from Left table in query

  • Your WHERE clause is converting your LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN.

    You need to change your query a little bit.

    Here's a nice article on the subject: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/93039/

    SELECT Users.Code AS FE

    ,COUNT(Matters.FeeEarnerRef) AS No_of_Matters

    ,ISNULL(SUM(Usr_Int1.Estimated_total_fee), 0) AS Fee_Estimate

    FROM Users

    LEFT JOIN Matters ON Users.Code = Matters.FeeEarnerRef

    AND created > '2014-03-16'

    INNER JOIN Usr_Int1 ON (Matters.Number = Usr_Int1.MatterNo)

    AND (Matters.EntityRef = Usr_Int1.EntityRef)

    WHERE (users.feeearner = 1)

    AND usertyperef <> 7

    GROUP BY code


    ORDER BY code

    And you don't need the HAVING clause, it could easily go into the WHERE clause.

    Luis C.
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