• MyDoggieJessie (3/17/2014)

    Do other reports work/render properly?

    Are you 100% certain the data sources are set correctly? It's typical when deploying SSRS reports from BIDS to turn off the "overwrite data sources" option, are you certain it wasn't overwritten with an improper data source?

    Also, check the execution log view on both reporting server's ReportServer databases to ensure you are seeing results for the production run - more specifically values in the bytecount and rowcount columns, as well as times in the Execution, Processing, and Render time columns.

    Execution time is the duration the data set took to execute the SQL query against the data source, processing is the actual time taken for the report to process the data, and render time should be obvious.

    You can use this query to troubleshoot (change as needed)/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/

    SELECT TOP 1000






    ,(TimeDataRetrieval * .001/60) [ExecutionTime(min)]

    ,([TimeProcessing] * .001/60) [ProcessingTime(min)]

    ,([TimeRendering] * .001/60) [RenderTime(min)]



    FROM [ReportServer].[dbo].[ExecutionLog2]

    WHERE Source = 'LIVE' AND Status = 'rsSuccess'

    AND ReportPath = 'YourReport'

    ORDER BY TimeStart DESC

    Thanks for this info!

    The report works fine in IE 11. Using your query, I also see that when I run the report in IE 11, a log entry is added to the report execution log.

    When I run the report in IE 10 on Windows 8, though, the report is blank. The header is there, but there is no report area, and the export option is grayed out. Also, when I try the report that way, no log entry is added to the execution log.

    From what I can tell, the report is using the correct data source. But I did copy reports from the dev/staging server to the production server using this tool:


    so it's possible something got messed up. But from what I've read from similar reports, and from the fact that the execution is not being logged, it seems to be an issue with JavaScript or CSS not properly rendering the report part. But I don't know enough about SSRS to know whether, in this problem,

    (1) the execution starts and should be logged

    (2) the execution starts but shouldn't be logged (i.e., wouldn't be logged due to the problem) or

    (3) the execution doesn't even start which is why it isn't logged

    Thanks for any other ideas, and let me know if posting any particular information would help. This elusive discrepancy is driving me nuts!

    - webrunner

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
    Ref.: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/02/sql-joke.html