• Ectualy you don't need to name the columns in the select statement, so you can still use 2 replace statements and it will work. You can check the code bellow that inserts the data into the table

    Create table DataFiles(IdData int identity(1,1) primary key,

    server nvarchar(4000),domain nvarchar(50),

    ReceivedFilescount int,DateReceived date,

    company varchar(50),ExpectedFilesCount int)

    declare @SQL varchar(max)

    declare @MyString varchar(max) =





    4fd70c47.4d600e0a.0a7b.ffff87e1@Server.com |user5@domain5.com|4|2014-02-13|Paypal|129'

    select @MyString = 'SELECT ''' +replace(replace(@MyString,'|',''','''),'

    ',''' union select

    ''') + ''''

    select @MyString

    exec (@MyString)

    set @SQL = 'INSERT INTO DataFiles(server, domain, ReceivedFilescount, DateReceived, company, ExpectedFilesCount)

    ' + @MyString

    exec (@SQL)

    select * from DataFiles

    Although the code works, I think that you should look on working with bulk insert statement or BCP. In my opinion it is more suitable then using my code.


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