• I love these discussions. Instead of typing it all in this thread, here's a blog post I wrote about my preferences, http://wiseman-wiseguy.blogspot.com/2008/11/naming-conventions.html.

    I have found that I'm in the minority in liking underscores as a break between names instead of camelCase or PascalCase. My reasoning for underscores instead of casing is to be able to handle case-sensitive collations, you don't have to worry about right-casing objects because they are all lower_case with underscores. I've learned to work with and deal with camelCase and PascalCase without getting annoyed now.

    My only other contention with the way Lowell's company has done their standards is that the prefix for a specific application and lookup tables should be a schema in 2005+ and not a prefix.

    I totally agree with cityID being cityID in the cities table AND in any tables referencing it.

    My final comment is that, it doesn't really matter what the standard is, but you need to have a standard and enforce it. You use tools like SSDT, PBM, and maybe others to help enforce the standards as well. Document the standard and make it part of the standard orientation for any new people brought in. There will be people who don't agree with all of it, but they need to honor all of it.