• dwain.c (3/4/2014)

    Great article Jason! An enjoyable and informative read.

    One question. In the section where you're describing left-deep/right-deep, is it safe to assume you're saying that the context only applies to a Hash Merge? In the table column, you don't refer to left-deep/right-deep like you do in the first two rows. Clearly though there is some impact caused to all the JOIN types by the different predicates and in each case it seems to be in the same direction.

    A very tiny complaint too. You made me search for your first article because you didn't hyperlink it into this one! Shame on you. I found it though and I'm reading it now.

    Thanks Dwain.

    Per the left deep right deep and effect on the other join operators - I will have to look at that closer.

    Sorry about that link. It was at the top (of the article) and probably could have been more visible.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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