Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies Concatenating rows from aliased tables on MSSQL 2005 server RE: Concatenating rows from aliased tables on MSSQL 2005 server

  • RBarryYoung (3/4/2014)

    domingo.sqlservercentral (3/4/2014)

    My intention is, that query returns not multiplicated rows from s_element with concatenated matched rows from these four tables (and separated with some special character).

    OK, then what do you want it to do when there are multiple matches for one of the rows?

    Oh, I'm so sorry for my mistake in that post 😉

    My intention was, that query returns not multiplicated rows from s_element, BUT with concatenated matched rows from these four tables (separated with some special character). And number of returned rows equal to the situation without many matched persons from any of these four person aliased tables.