• OCTom (2/19/2014)

    Luis Cazares (2/18/2014)

    Sean Lange (2/18/2014)

    OCTom (2/18/2014)

    The following was in 1991 and in response to the question, "How many seminars or classes have you attended to keep up on technology?"

    Answer: "I'm not really into continuing education. I've been programming for 8 years now and I don't see how things can change much from all that I've seen."

    Is this guy still working in RPG or did he break down and attend a seminar somewhere along the way? 😛

    Maybe he's a Project Manager asking developers to do things as he used to 20 years ago.

    The last I heard he was a truck driver.


    At least you don't have to change how you do things too much with that:-D

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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