• It doesn't work that way in my shop and shouldn't work that way in any shop.

    This is really what my post is about. Changing a shop from the wild west to a proper methodology.

    While that may seem slow and arduous to many

    To many, but not to me.

    And, yes. If you've properly written your DB code, you can, in fact, just replace one section of code with another and Bob's your Uncle. Good database code is not abstraction resistant.

    I agree up to a point, but absolutely not in a shop that isn't using source control properly.

    I do blame some of that mistake on the DBAs themselves because they've not made the need for Peer Reviews and QA understood beyond any reasonable doubt.

    I think the managers understand the importance of it because they ask for it. But then once you start working on implementing that process, and you start getting asked why you're working on it (because it was requested?!) and the talking begins about how disruptive and unnecessary the changes are... I have a problem. Management backs down because they get told "manual is good enough".