• SQLRNNR (2/11/2014)

    David1425 (2/8/2014)

    ... if I file for bankruptcy how much will this hurt my career as a DBA. ...But I have no other issues: any illegal activity, missing payments on CCs/loans, etc. I am truly a honest person

    I'll be blunt right here. If you have no missing/late payments and are able to make the payments then why file for BK? Honest people, that are able to make the payments, hold true to their obligations and pay their debts. If the only reason for filing BK is to get rid of that unsecured debt from going to school - then don't do it.

    Three of my recent gigs would not hire somebody with a recent BK. One was in the lending industry and another was government related. You have to be very careful about declaring BK (and which type of BK).

    Don't do it unless you absolutely have to.

    I have to agree with Jason, don't file if you don't have to do it. In my case, we had no choice. We could meet our financial obligations while married, but divorced there was no way to meet our obligations and for me to support two households.

    Again, I would still consult with a bankruptcy attorney before you do anything. Also, if you have any student loans, those are not dischargeable in a bankruptcy.