• This editorial and the Forbes article were very interesting.

    Whilst I'm not sure I'd call myself 'top talent' I think I've certainly conformed to the pattern of moving once a job gets boring. My moves have predominantly been a thirst for challenge although I've gained pay and responsibility as I've gone along. The clincher for my last move that was made 4 months before I'd originally planned to was caused by the final reason ('Failed To Keep Your Commitments') that led to me feeling like they didn't care about me personally - it's rare I do things in fits of pique but thankfully it was a sound decision I'd already pretty much made anyway and it's already paying dividends.

    In terms of moving around - I'd be disinclined to hire someone who moved around between companies more often than once every two years, but I'd expect to see role changes within a company at least once every two years. A job title can hide a multitude of sins so some people may not necessarily get new ones as they progress within a company, but I generally want ambitious, competent people to work for me who are eager to take on more challenge and responsibility. I don't want a staff member who is content to sit on his laurels, I want one who will make himself and the company better.