• Round and round we go.

    Outsource your peripheral functions (like payroll) but keep your assets close. The cloud is a natural extension of this.

    For development work spinning up a temporary environment in AWS and destroying it when its not needed is of major benefit. Couple that with Dev/Ops where your personal dev environment only needs to exist when you are activity working on it.

    Provision of services has major benefits for data. Subscribe to an address lookup, vehicle lookup, credit score service and you'll get data in a consistent form and at a cost that is proportional to your usage.

    So the NSA watches communications (and probably GCHQ in Britain). What horrendous sin-bin task that must be. Imagine having to read every email dictated by Dilbert's boss? You should see some of the unintelligible gibberish that comes into my inbox. I defy anyone to extract accurate meaning from it let alone code to apply machine learning!

    Machine intelligence? Have you seen the spam from recruitment agencies?

    Anyway, I'm off to watch "Her" starring Joaqim Phoenix