Home Forums Career Employers and Employees I'm .NET Developer with 3 years of experience. Looking to change career to DBA. Advise please. RE: I'm .NET Developer with 3 years of experience. Looking to change career to DBA. Advise please.

  • Koen Verbeeck (2/5/2014)

    Switching careers just for the money is usually not a good idea. You have to make sure you will actually like what you are going to do.

    Being a DBA can mean that you have to be on call at night or in weekends. Are you up to that?


    Are you ready for long days/weeks/months or even long years? Sometimes the job may not be difficult but will require long hours. Sometimes the job gets very intense - like a Server that is not coming online and the company is losing $1million/hr or worse.

    You have to enjoy these types of challenges (IMO) when thinking about being a DBA. Switching to that kind of role just for the money will burn you out fast.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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