• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/25/2014)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/articles/Editorial/106276/">Management at Scale</A>

    Steve, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    I recognize that you are not disparaging workers, or at least do not intend to, when you say

    All too often I find there are too many workers that want to get their job done, without providing more value than they cost.

    Still, there are some of us who are "stars" where we work who will incur an emotional response to that statement. I know I did. Why? Because I believe that a lot of performance issues are due to inappropriate treatment from management, along with insufficient compensation. I give far more than I am paid for. About 10% of my co-workers do the same. Some of our team performs just fine, but may not be considered "stars" by others. A few of our team are substandard.

    While I believe those who are not up to standards should be mentored until they show sufficient improvement, I know that most of them are underpaid significantly.

    My view is that you pay for the position, and if someone can't cut it, you replace them. Too many companies pay substandard wages as a rule, and then blame poor performance on the employee. As my son would say "I call BS on that!"
