Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Apportion amounts between account holders when amount is uneven RE: Apportion amounts between account holders when amount is uneven

  • Here is something that works:CREATE TABLE #CustomerAccount









    CREATE TABLE #AccountBalance



    Balance MONEY,



    INSERT INTO #CustomerAccount(AccountNo, Customer1ID, Customer2ID, Customer3ID, Customer4ID, AccountHolders)

    VALUES(10001,1,0,0,0,1), (20002,2,3,0,0,2), (30003,4,5,6,0,3), (40004, 7,8,9,10,4), (50005,11,12,0,0,2), (60006,13,14,15,0,3), (70007,16,17,18,19,4)

    INSERT INTO #AccountBalance(AccountNo, Balance, Interest)

    VALUES(10001,500,0.54), (20002,459,0.34), (30003, 333, 0.33), (40004, 100, 0.4), (50005, 101, 0.33), (60006, 100, 1), (70007, 112, 0.55)

    SELECT *,

    round(CASE WHEN Customer1ID != 0 THEN (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders ELSE 0 END,2)

    + (case when Customer2ID = 0 then (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) - ((round((AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders,2)) * CA.AccountHolders) else 0 end) AS AccountHolder1Balance,

    round(CASE WHEN Customer2ID != 0 THEN (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders ELSE 0 END,2)

    + (case when Customer3ID = 0 and Customer2ID != 0 then (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) - ((round((AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders,2)) * CA.AccountHolders) else 0 end) AS AccountHolder2Balance,

    round(CASE WHEN Customer3ID != 0 THEN (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders ELSE 0 END,2)

    + (case when Customer4ID = 0 and Customer3ID != 0 then (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) - ((round((AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders,2)) * CA.AccountHolders) else 0 end) AS AccountHolder3Balance,

    round(CASE WHEN Customer4ID != 0 THEN (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders ELSE 0 END,2)

    + (case when Customer4ID != 0 then (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) - ((round((AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders,2)) * CA.AccountHolders) else 0 end) AS AccountHolder4Balance,

    (AB.Balance + AB.Interest) - ((round((AB.Balance + AB.Interest) / CA.AccountHolders,2)) * CA.AccountHolders) as diff

    FROM #CustomerAccount CA INNER JOIN #AccountBalance AB ON CA.AccountNo = AB.AccountNo You can delete the diff column, but wanted to leave it to show you what it is doing to determine the round issue.

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