• OK, new situation. While waiting for my IT contact to return, I changed the sqlagent to start using my own personal creds. That can't be permanent for many reasons, but as a test (since I have full access to the network shared drive, the SQL Server machine, and the SQL Server, and I'm the author....) it should confirm the problem as permissions on the network shared folder....

    The package still can't see the folder. I say this because the FOREACH loop never runs.... Zero files to process. When I simply run the package using Visual Studio, it runs fine, and processes the (1) file in the target folder.

    My contact returned and added WINNTDOM\sqlserveragent to the group with permission to the folder (R/W.) Changed sqlagent back to use that account, and it continues to fail.

    Is there a setting in SQL Server that would prevent SSIS (and not "me") from accessing a file outside the local computer?

    My next step is to change the report generator (SSRS) to send the report file directly to a folder on my server (if I can figure that one out...) and see if SqlAgent can deal with that. If I can accomplish that, I may just give up on using the network shared drive altogether.

    If you know of a setting on SQL Server that's blocking me, chime in!
