• Brent Ozar (12/25/2013)

    Awww, wow, sad to see the podcast end, but looking forward to seeing what you're focusing on next.

    The thing I'll miss about the pod casts / bloopers is the T-shirt show...always different...

    For every day work, I must take a moment to really thank Steve and all the gurus that contribute comments and assistance here at SQL Server Central. Without you folks and your comments, assistance, gentle prodding to do my own research, etc. I have slowly progressed to a some what capable server admin. I wouldn't call myself a DBA, as I have no formal "dba training", coming from the COBOL/CICS side of IBM programming, but what I am doing is helping the local county government better serve the local taxpayer by providing quality data processing services for our citizens. Without you guys' help over the past 12 years, I would have been way outta my league.

    Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to everyone at SQLServerCentral and to all who participate to make it what it is!! Keep it up!!