• I use Glassdoor to search for jobs, but mainly use it to weed out companies that may not be a good fit for me. Current employee's can write reviews about what it's actual like to work for you. No more employers saying one thing and finding out it's opposite.

    I dislike using recruiters because getting the company name is like pulling teeth, and finding a half way decent one is a monumental feat. I once had one insist on meeting me at the interview to "introduce me" to the interviewer. They send my resume to jobs I'm obviously not qualified for (like tossing crap at a wall and hoping something sticks). And I've had them waste too much time trying to "get to know me" before finding me a good job fit.

    My social network includes 100's of people, but they are so disparit that most may not be helpful in finding a job that fits my skills and personality. And many of my contacts have careers all across the board of professions, which limits the numver of people I can ask.