• Using a subselect as a derived column is performance time bomb. You have at least a couple of those in there already. You also have a split function in there which raises at least a yellow flag. Does that split function use xml or looping?

    Not quite sure why you have the second subselect in there. The one selecting from BLT_BILLM with the huge sum. You already have that table in your query.

    See if something like this gets you closer.

    SELECT p.period,

    m.clnt_matt_code AS [Client Code],



    'Insolvency' AS matter_code,

    Isnull(l.Merged_Source_of_Work_Lender_Desc, k.name) AS Bank,


    WHEN m.matter_code NOT IN ( 'IBR', 'ISR', 'BNK', 'ADV' ) THEN Isnull(mins.original_estimated_fee, 0)

    + Isnull(mins.original_contingent_fee, 0)

    ELSE 0

    END AS [Original Fee],

    Isnull(ii.WalkIn, 'N') AS [Walk In],


    Isnull(Sum(bi.PROGRESS_BIL + bi.HARD_BIL + bi.SOFT_BIL + bi.FEES_BIL + bi.OAFEE_BIL + bi.RETAINER_BIL + bi.PREMDISC_BIL - bi.CREDIT_TOT), 0) AS billings_to_date

    FROM bo_live5.dbo.hba_source_bus AS i

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.cxa_folder_object AS j ON i.fo_uno = j.fo_uno

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.hbm_name AS k ON k.name_uno = j.object_uno

    LEFT JOIN BO_Custom.dbo.Source_of_work_Lender l ON l.Original_Source_of_Work_Lender_Desc = k.name --improtu look up for banks that have merged

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.hbl_name_class AS h ON k.name_class_code = h.name_class_code

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.hbm_matter AS m ON m.matter_uno = i.matter_uno

    INNER JOIN bo_Live5.dbo.hbm_PERSNL AS em ON em.empl_uno = m.resp_empl_uno

    INNER JOIN bo_Live5.dbo.BLT_BILLM AS bi ON bi.matter_uno = m.matter_uno

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.hbl_office AS o ON o.offc_code = m.offc

    INNER JOIN bo_live5.dbo.hba_offc_prof c ON c.offc = o.offc_code

    AND LEFT(c.prof, 2) IN (SELECT FieldName

    FROM dbo._000007_splitlist(@Profit_Center, ','))

    INNER JOIN CTE_Mins AS mins

    ON mins.matter_uno = m.matter_uno

    LEFT JOIN bo_live5.dbo.glm_period_end AS p

    ON m.open_date BETWEEN p.per_begin_date AND p.per_end_date + '23:59:59'

    left join (SELECT TOP 1 'Y' as WalkIn FROM bo_live5.dbo.hba_source_bus) ii on ii.matter_uno = i.matter_uno AND ii.comments LIKE '%walk-in%'

    GROUP BY p.period







    ,mins.original_contingent_fee, i.matter_uno ,em.employee_name

    , Isnull(ii.WalkIn, 'N')

    , Isnull(Sum(bi.PROGRESS_BIL + bi.HARD_BIL + bi.SOFT_BIL + bi.FEES_BIL + bi.OAFEE_BIL + bi.RETAINER_BIL + bi.PREMDISC_BIL - bi.CREDIT_TOT), 0)


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/