• defyant_2004 (12/16/2013)

    They do not do installs.

    Not sure what DAC enablement is for? If the server is down, we bring it back up for them.

    We just feel the DBAs need to stay off the server to prevent any possible damage to the server itself.

    If SSMS gives them what they need, why risk giving them RDP access?

    So you trust these people to manage, maintain and secure the company's most valuable asset (data) but at the same time you do not trust these same highly technical people with a server? I know that is how some shops work but it seems overly paranoid to me.

    Honestly what exactly are you trying to protect? What IS the risk of a DBA having RDP access to the server they are responsible for keeping running well? I am honestly curious because I would like to know what the risk truly is for this.


    We just feel the DBAs need to stay off the server to prevent any possible damage to the server itself.

    I agree 100% that no DBA should be allowed to sit, hang or any other things I envision from the old suitcase commercials with the gorillas to any self respecting server. 😀



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