• Steve Thompson-454462 (12/13/2013)

    joe.eager (12/13/2013)

    I agree, on doing small slices of the data model, I guess I'm just worried about the re-factoring chunks near the end. But as was mentioned earlier, those stories will take longer since they involve re-factoring and moving data into the new model.

    To be honest that's the part that sticks in my craw a little, too. It's a bit of a leap of faith that a lot of late sprint refactoring will add enough business value that it's worth it. The idea is that the final design will be more efficient/stable, etc. b/c it wasn't set in stone early in the project (which is the stage when you know the least about what the final product will look like).

    It really can work, and work well. I've seen it done right. Unfortunately, I've seen it done wrong more often. It's all about buying into the concepts expressed by the DevOps people and getting behind the idea that development is just a part of the IT life cycle, not a separate concept as has so often been the norm. But boy does it take a lot of discipline to do it well.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning