• Gillian_Pappas2002 (12/12/2013)

    Thank you Sean.

    Sorry about the mess.

    Hi. Thank you again for your response. That works very well to get rid of either status C or O, but what they want me to do is to look at all of the same customer order numbers and their status. If the same customer order number has ANY status of 'O', they do not want to see any of those customer order records. They only want to see like customer orders that All have a 'C' status.

    Below is the before status before applying your solution. They do not want to see ANY Orders 905055 because it has one with a status of 'O'. but they would want to see order AW00000253 because it doesn't have any status's of 'O". I hope this makes sense and I appreciate all of your help.

    Order# Line# STATUS

    905055 1 C

    905055 2 C

    905055 3 C

    905055 4 O

    AW00000253 1 C

    AW00000253 2 C

    You really need to actually read the article that has been suggested. If you had read it you would see that just sticking some values in a post is nothing like consumable data. We want and need to see ddl (create table) and data (insert statements). What you should have posted would look like this.

    create table #Something


    OrderNum varchar(20),

    LineNum int,

    Status char(1)


    insert #Something

    select '905055', 1, 'C' union all

    select '905055', 2, 'C' union all

    select '905055', 3, 'C' union all

    select '905055', 4, 'O' union all

    select 'AW00000253', 1, 'C' union all

    select 'AW00000253', 2, 'C';

    Then we would be able to see and work with the same thing. This makes it really easy for us to help you.

    Somebody like myself can then come along and post a query that meets your requirements. Something like this one...

    select *

    from #Something

    where OrderNum in


    select OrderNum

    from #Something

    group by OrderNum

    having MAX(Status) = 'C'



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