• Thank you to all.

    In a fit of inspiration I have come up with my own solution. Although it gives a slightly different result set, I'd be interested in more optimal solutions. Correct me if I'm wrong but my solution appears to use less io and have a lower estimated subtree cost. I provide files with my solution and also the source data.

    Thanks - LotusNotes

    --Consultant Challenge

    -- Use <database>

    --Select * from dbo.consultant -- source table

    --set statistics io on

    with cte1 as


    Select * from--have to do this to harden the ranking function columns

    --so can be used in a where clause


    SELECT [PatientID]








    ,row_number() over (partition by EpisodeNo order by Activity_Date) as Row_num


    when [Description]='Admitted' or (Staff_from=Staff_to) then 0

    else row_number() over (partition by EpisodeNo order by Activity_Date)

    end as Staff_change-- any number >0 identifies a staff change



    FROM [dbo].[consultant]

    --order by EpisodeNo-- this may be a sticking point?

    ) as X


    Row_num= 1-- admitted

    or Row_num=Staff_change--staff change

    or Description='Discharged'

    ) -- end cte1

    -- do select * first of all to see all the columns

    --select * from




    ,a.Activity_Date as 'From'

    ,b.Activity_Date as 'To'

    ,b.Staff_from as 'Consultant'


    when b.Description='Discharged' then b.Description+' by '+b.Staff_to

    else b.Description+' to '+b.Staff_to

    end as 'Result'


    cte1 a join cte1 b-- self join

    on (a.EpisodeNo=b.EpisodeNo)-- groups the rows correctly

    and a.Staff_to=b.Staff_from-- to correlate the rows correctly


    a.Description <>'Discharged'-- gets rid of discharged row