• eobiki10 (12/10/2013)

    Hi All,

    Please I need help with this. I am having an error when I try to run a report that contains this code. The error is this "the Select list for the insert statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of select values must match the number of INSERT columns. Incorrect syntax near ','. " I have tried to have E.empl_uno IN (@employee) in the code but still the error persits. Any help will be appreciated.

    INSERT INTO [BO_CUSTOM].[dbo].[Property_Coorindators]





    Select @employee, employee_name, @Offc, EMAIL

    from BO_live3.dbo.HBM_persnl E

    where E.empl_uno = @employee

    You are missing the closing parenthesis after the column list.

    INSERT INTO [BO_CUSTOM].[dbo].[Property_Coorindators]





    Select @employee, employee_name, @Offc, EMAIL

    from BO_live3.dbo.HBM_persnl E

    where E.empl_uno = @employee


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