• It was working fine until it came across an index on a view earlier, since i referenced sys.tables instead of sys.objects it didn't pick these up. This is now resolved. Then I noticed it didn't take into account if an index had a '.' in the name of it.. so this is where this change has come from..

    --Create temp table for list of indexes

    CREATE TABLE #IndexFrag(

    database_id int,

    object_ID int,

    index_id int,

    name ntext,

    page_count int,

    avg_fragmentation_In_Percent real )

    --Fill the table with indexes with a page count higher than 10 and fragmented more than 5%

    insert into #IndexFrag (database_id, object_ID, index_id, name, page_count, avg_fragmentation_In_Percent)

    SELECT ps.database_id, ps.OBJECT_ID,

    ps.index_id, b.name, ps.page_count,


    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS ps

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON ps.OBJECT_ID = b.OBJECT_ID

    AND ps.index_id = b.index_id

    WHERE ps.database_id = DB_ID() and ps.page_count > 10 and ps.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 5


    --Selecting all index's between 5% and 40% fragmented

    declare @cnt int

    declare @Result varchar(200)

    declare @cmd nvarchar(500)

    declare @tablename nvarchar(500)

    declare @objectID int

    declare FindFragment cursor for

    SELECT object_id, '['+name+']' FROM #IndexFrag WHERE (avg_fragmentation_In_Percent > 5) and (avg_fragmentation_In_Percent < 40) and (name not like 'null')

    --Cursor to go through each index which are between 5% and 40% fragmented and rebuild

    open FindFragment

    fetch next from FindFragment into @ObjectID, @result

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @tablename = '[' + SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) + '].[' + t.name + ']' FROM sys.indexes i

    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS t ON i.object_id = t.object_id WHERE i.name = @Result AND i.object_id = @objectID

    set @cmd = N'ALTER Index ' + @result + ' on ' + @tablename + ' REORGANIZE '

    print @cmd

    --EXEC sp_executeSQL @cmd

    fetch next from FindFragment into @objectID, @result


    close FindFragment

    deallocate FindFragment

    --drop table #IndexFrag

    declare FindFragment cursor for

    SELECT object_id, '['+name+']' FROM #IndexFrag WHERE (avg_fragmentation_In_Percent > 40) and (name not like 'null')

    --Cursor to go through each index which are over 40% fragmented and rebuild

    open FindFragment

    fetch next from FindFragment into @objectID, @result

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @tablename = '[' + SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) + '].[' + t.name + ']' FROM sys.indexes i

    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS t ON i.object_id = t.object_id WHERE i.name = @Result AND i.object_id = @objectID

    set @cmd = N'ALTER Index ' + @result + ' on ' + @tablename + ' REBUILD '

    PRINT @cmd

    --EXEC sp_executeSQL @cmd

    fetch next from FindFragment into @objectID, @result


    close FindFragment

    deallocate FindFragment

    drop table #IndexFrag

    Thats the full script, works well for what I need, but changing it to '[' + name + ']' brings back the error

    ''The data types varchar and ntext are incompatible in the add operator.''

    We can't do a select as in this scenario can we?