• ok here's the completed solution, thanks to all who helped....

    -- destroy staging table if exists

    IF OBJECT_ID('tbl_TestTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE tbl_TestTable


    -- create the temp table

    create table tbl_TestTable(

    AccountId varchar(6),

    StockId varchar(7),

    [Jan - 2013] int,

    [Feb - 2013] int,

    [Mar - 2013] int,

    [Apr - 2013] int,

    [May - 2013] int,

    [Jun - 2013] int,

    [Jul - 2013] int,

    [Aug - 2013] int,

    [Sep - 2013] int,

    [Oct - 2013] int,

    [Nov - 2013] int,

    [Dec - 2013] int,

    [Jan - 2014] int,

    [Feb - 2014] int,

    [Mar - 2014] int,

    [Apr - 2014] int,

    [May - 2014] int,

    [Jun - 2014] int,

    [Jul - 2014] int,

    [Aug - 2014] int,

    [Sep - 2014] int,

    [Oct - 2014] int,

    [Nov - 2014] int,

    [Dec - 2014] int


    -- insert some values

    insert into tbl_TestTable

    select 'AC1234', 'STK1111', 4284, 4946, 4773, 1812, 1121, 3977, 2453, 1229, 4448, 4844, 3460, 3299, 3715, 1082, 4335, 1024, 3363, 4565, 2096, 4482, 4282, 4539, 3638, 2061 union

    select 'AC1234', 'STK1112', 3543, 1854, 2986, 1249, 3105, 1799, 3425, 1620, 1209, 2872, 1737, 1886, 2114, 4249, 4924, 4936, 3008, 4339, 4043, 3151, 4302, 2721, 2677, 4177 union

    select 'AC1234', 'STK1113', 4184, 4376, 1101, 4746, 1117, 1846, 4379, 2953, 1956, 3053, 3749, 3753, 1924, 1698, 1311, 2688, 4144, 4174, 4481, 4660, 1326, 2990, 3830, 4573 union

    select 'AC1234', 'STK1114', 3881, 1936, 4198, 2471, 3815, 4555, 3502, 4989, 4880, 2727, 3440, 2434, 3362, 1552, 1188, 1221, 3431, 4134, 1526, 2839, 3856, 4577, 4226, 4769 union

    select 'AC1234', 'STK1115', 1444, 1679, 1569, 2278, 2120, 2308, 3436, 1134, 4062, 2198, 2233, 3644, 1784, 1701, 2965, 2433, 2798, 3474, 3025, 2333, 2170, 3255, 3259, 2904 union

    select 'AC4321', 'STK1111', 2359, 2618, 2941, 4887, 3570, 1946, 2350, 2322, 2472, 2813, 2791, 3035, 2886, 1849, 4087, 3182, 1103, 2213, 2003, 4447, 1167, 2249, 2064, 1370 union

    select 'AC4321', 'STK1112', 2684, 2542, 1095, 1584, 2153, 4382, 2599, 1515, 2640, 3967, 2325, 1661, 3847, 2485, 4534, 2696, 3549, 4411, 1651, 1146, 2570, 3716, 3877, 3361 union

    select 'AC4321', 'STK1113', 1663, 1538, 1377, 4045, 3626, 1488, 2471, 1447, 4196, 2438, 1361, 1259, 2255, 1744, 3991, 4205, 3717, 1700, 3254, 3190, 1218, 1651, 2111, 2768 union

    select 'AC4321', 'STK1114', 4989, 3589, 2524, 3803, 1684, 4717, 3292, 3051, 3050, 4871, 2815, 4892, 2717, 1647, 2355, 4823, 3194, 1197, 3814, 2178, 4276, 4943, 1638, 1254 union

    select 'AC4321', 'STK1115', 1226, 1261, 1900, 4854, 1699, 4810, 4957, 4280, 2799, 3956, 3352, 4196, 1723, 2208, 1560, 4367, 3610, 3876, 3745, 1892, 1224, 1449, 1356, 4300

    select * from tbl_TestTable

    -- create the dynamic date columns string

    declare @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(column_name)

    FROM (

    -- get columns as a list (THANKS FOR THIS Phil Parkin)

    selecttable_name, column_name, ordinal_position, data_type


    wheretable_name = 'tbl_TestTable'

    andordinal_position not in (1,2)

    ) cols

    ORDER BY ordinal_position

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,''


    select @cols as ColString

    -- finally do the unpivot using dynamic sql

    declare @sqlStr nvarchar(max)

    set @sqlStr = N'

    select AccountId, StockId, Col as Date, Quantity


    select AccountId, StockId, ' + @cols + '

    from tbl_TestTable

    ) as cp



    Quantity for Col in (' + @cols + ')

    ) as up'

    exec sp_executesql @sqlStr

    -- kill the temp table

    drop table tbl_TestTable