• Ratheesh.K.Nair (12/5/2013)

    Hi Experts,

    We have a DB user names Supply . Application will hit the DB with this username.

    Is there anyway to find the hit happening to the database?Thanks in Advance.

    hit? not a SQL term, but here's some examples:

    a connection can be found that has the username connecting via sp_who/sp_who2/sp_whoisactive or from a query like this:

    select * from master.sys.dm_exec_sessions WHERE login_name = 'myDomain\lowell'

    that's at the SERVER level, though;

    at the database level, no one "logs in" or anything, but they might select/insert/update, so to track that you'd have to trace/audit etc to get info on who-did-what at the database level.

    what exactly are you trying to do?


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