• John Hanrahan (11/19/2013)

    In an Insert Trigger this code is sometimes quite slow: "SELECT @numrows = @@rowcount"

    This code is used to determine if a row was inserted into the table. So 2 questions.

    1. Isn't this redundant? How can you get to an insert trigger if a row isn't being inserted?

    2. Sometimes the above line of code is has a very long duration (like 37450ms in a sql trace). Any clues to point me in a direction?

    My initial thought is to just delete the code. I am working with a commercial package so I have to be a little careful.

    Thanks for reading!


    Without more details about the trigger it is hard to say for sure. Are there multiple statements in this triggers each of which references @numrows? If so then you might need it. I have a bad feeling that this does some sort of looping or something, at least my experience suggests that as a high probability. When you see the trigger worrying about @@rowcount it certainly raises a red flag that you should investigate that trigger.

    Can you post the code for the trigger? We may want/need more details but that is the very least amount of information we would need to get started.


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