• Jeff Moden (11/16/2013)

    You have to use CASE instead of IF and you have to use CAST or CONVERT instead of CSTR (if it means "convert to string"). You also have to remove all of the curly braces on the column names. I don't know what the second and third operand of CSTR do but here's my best guess. It also assumes that the IF had no ELSE because I can't even spell "Crystal Formula". 😀

    replace(space(3-len(Cono)), ' ', '1')

    + Cono

    + CASE

    WHEN len(cstr(empno, 0, '')) < 4

    THEN replace(space(4-len(CAST(empno AS VARCHAR(10)))), ' ', '0')

    ELSE ''


    + CAST(empno AS VARCHAR(10))

    Great improv Jeff, you really needed the 'crystal' ball for that one 😉

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