• xsevensinzx (10/28/2013)

    I just took some courses on SQL recently and my instructors kind of mentioned the low attendance was because the positions are scarce. When I asked why, they said no one wants to pay the money. I assume they meant that no one wants to invest into a good database position and rather forces the position onto someone else.

    Is that true today? I mean, I see a lot of database positions in my area. Some look like cookie-cutter DBA's where others are more specialized like for development, warehousing, analytical reporting etc.

    As we are in the digital age and the internet being one big database as is, I would assume database positions would be hopping. Especially when big data is becoming a trend and no school kid off the block is going to be able to develop and optimize some of these bigger backend systems.

    The job market will vary by location and industry, but it's been my impression that good DBA candidates are hard to find and well compensated when you do get one.

