• TaylorMade (11/13/2013)

    badOedipus (4/26/2013)

    I'm posting on this old post mainly for completeness and to help anyone else out that has this same issue.

    I'm not sure how far back this goes, but I know it works in SQL Server 2008 r2.

    the xp_cmdshell command has an optional parameter to specify no output. In your example here your sp would have a line like this:

    exec xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_ouput


    Thank you so much for this info, was banging my head up against this problem.

    However, for completeness again, there is a typo in the above line, should be "no_output".

    For whoever this might help, this helped solve the issue I had when trying to run an ssrs report that called a stored procedure which initially called a ssis package, then built up a dataset. Without the no_output parameter, the ssrs report was trying to work against the "output" results information from the ssis package.

    Again, THANK YOU so much.

    How creative. May I ask you a question about your solution? How is the SSRS data source setup? I am curious to know how the principal running the report, whether it be the user running the report or some service account (SQL or Windows), is granted access to run xp_cmdshell. You could have left yourself exposed in terms of who can run xp_cmdshell.

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