• "I find the challenge of learning more about a technology or feature of SQL Server to be exciting, and it seems there's no shortage of new things I'd like to learn."

    I am SO there, and not just with SQL Server! It's all so interesting and sometimes even fascinating to me. Obviously a person has to apply a little personal discipline to keep on task on all that lands outside of new things to learn. I struggle with that sometimes.

    Of late I've spent a lot of time "translating" existing code from one language to another. Examples would include Sequel to DB2 or Cognos to SQL. The basics are easy, but the subtleties no so much. I would be interested in learning about the commonalities and differences in a world where old things and new things have to interact. I spend time searching a number of sites for explanations, since I'm not an expert on every language. I usually find my answers, but a straight-up comparison would be useful and at the same time give me a better understanding of the evolution of code.
