• I am terribly sorry my dear colleagues, but I beg to differ with the "...little clunky..." type of mentality. I started my IT life back in the mainframe era; and to this date, I have always had three personal perspectives about computer coding: make it as flexible as possible, make it efficient so as to be as perfect as possible, and keep it as simple as possible. And believe me, some of my PL1 and COBOL stuff is still executing. However, in today's modern technology, I tend to see a kind of like a throw-away mentality or "...fix it in the next release...." approach. How did it get so uphold? Back in the days, computer engineers were able to develop a lot of "stuff" to put men in space, make many other developments to make life better. True, a-lot of "stuff" gets out of date in time, but that is not reason enough for us to release code that is " a little clunky". Can you imagine medical devices with "clunky" code, or a medical application with "clunky" code? After all, is something better than nothing? I wonder how the ObamaCare applicatiion would have function if it was done in a manner better than a "...little clunky".