• L' Eomot Inversé (11/4/2013)

    JJ B (11/1/2013)

    Some of the previous posts talked about name changes and potential impacts on career. Now-a-days, there are additional implications. In Texas (where I don't live thankfully) America, "what's in a name" has a serious side:


    These new voter laws may not become a trend. But if they do, it is a factor to consider for people today who are getting married and contemplating name changes.

    Not just in Texas, several other states are playing the same game; if they were honest, the state legislators would admit that they are deliberately trying to reduce the Democrat vote by making it harder for women to vote, but state legislators are politicians and thus extremely unlikely to be honest.

    Another view might be that republicans are attempting to stop the abuses the democrats are responsible for, where people who are not allowed to vote by law still do, and sometimes multiple times! Personally I am in favor of forcing people to prove they are eligible to vote. I am confused by your statement that seems to say women don't know how to drive - because frankly, anyone who drives has a photo ID.

    Both sides are crooks, why do people tend to ignore the cheating their side does yet complain about the other side? Liberals never complain when our armed forces are prevented from voting. They never complain when democrats violate federal election laws by posting pictures of the president despite being told not to.

    The 66% argument is ridiculous. Women can choose to have a new ID made just as easily as people who move can do so. In Illinois the law says you must notify the state, but you don't have to get a new ID. What about all the males who move but don't get a new ID?

    Oh, let's not forget that probably close to 100% of illegal aliens don't have a valid DL. Do you want Mexican citizens or Canadian citizens voting in the US?

    Sorry to everyone for extending the off topic nature, but I refuse to sit by and allow people (media) to make claims that are unfounded.
