• I wouldn't be surprised if your backup is being made by "others".

    To figure that out, you could set up a trace to capture backup details.

    You could even get a first glimps of it looking at the backup history data:

    declare @DbNameLike sysname

    declare @OnlyLastBUset bit

    Select @DbNameLike = '%' -- = 'insite_coil'

    , @OnlyLastBUset = 1

    select BU.server_name

    , BU.machine_name

    , BU.database_name

    , BU.name as BUName

    , BU.backup_start_date

    , BU.backup_finish_date

    , case BU.[TYPE]

    when 'D' then 'Full'

    when 'I' then 'Diff'

    when 'L' then 'Log'

    when 'F' then 'File or filegroup'

    when 'G' then 'Diff file'

    when 'P' then 'Partial'

    when 'Q' then 'Diff partial'

    else '???'

    end as BuType

    , CAST(BU.backup_size / 1024 / 1024 as decimal(18, 3)) as backup_size_MB

    /* SQL2008 added compressed_backup_size */

    --, CAST(BU.compressed_backup_size / 1024 / 1024 as decimal(18, 3)) as COMPRESSED_BU_size_MB

    , BU.position

    , BU.[description]

    /* SQL2005 added BU.recovery_model */

    --, BU.recovery_model

    , BU.[user_name]

    -- hebben we niet in gebruik , BU.expiration_date

    , BMF.physical_device_name

    from msdb.dbo.backupset BU

    inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediaset BS

    on BS.media_set_id = BU.media_set_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF

    on BMF.media_set_id = BU.media_set_id

    left join (

    select @@ServerName as Server_Name

    , D.name as DbName

    , max(BU.backup_start_date) as Last_backup_start_date

    , max(BU.backup_finish_date) as Last_backup_finish_date

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases D

    left join msdb.dbo.backupset BU

    on D.[Name] = BU.database_name

    and BU.[type] = 'D' -- D = FullDatabasebackup

    group by D.name

    --order by D.name

    ) LastFullBU

    On LastFullBU.Server_Name = BU.server_name

    and LastFullBU.DbName = BU.database_name

    where BU.backup_start_date > DATEADD(MM, datediff(MM, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0) /* Sinds begin vorige maand */

    and BU.database_name like @DbNameLike

    and BU.backup_start_date >= case @OnlyLastBUset

    when 1 then dateadd(mi, -15, LastFullBU.Last_backup_start_date)

    else BU.backup_start_date


    order by case when BU.[TYPE] in ( 'D', 'I', 'L', 'F', 'G', 'P', 'Q' ) then 1

    else 0


    , BU.database_name

    , BU.backup_start_date

    , BU.backup_finish_date

    , BUName ;

    Maybe the BU.[user_name] column can give you a hint.


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