• thanks for your help

    here is the structure of the src tables and other

    Create table dbo.src


    ID int Identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED

    ,Name varchar(100)

    ,Address varchar(255)

    ,Phone varchar(25)

    ,Age INT


    insert into src values ('sam','main street pa', '123-456-789', 30)

    insert into src values ('tim','state street pa', '134-456-789', 20)

    Create table dbo.src1


    ID_scr1 int Identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED

    ,FNAME varchar(100)

    ,LNAME varchar(255)


    insert into src1 values ('sam','john')

    insert into src1 values ('jim','tim')

    insert into src1 values ('kim','tom')

    CREATE TABLE dbo.scr2


    phone varchar(30)


    insert into scr2 values(234-456-7899)

    insert into scr2 values(222-436-7339)

    These tables don't have any relationship. the reason i am creating a admin table(updatedef) is to store which columns i need to update. tomorrow i may need to add new column or remove a column. For this i have included a flag Y or N so that i can generate update statement based on Status_fl column. i want to update string columns (name, address , country), is to REPLACE S with t and number columns (age, phone) is to replace 2 with 3.

    let me know if you need more info