• LightVader (10/23/2013)

    GeorgeCopeland (10/23/2013)

    I disagree. Just because you are a good programmer, developer, DBA, or whatever, doesn't mean you are a good negotiator. I'm happy you are a good negotiator but there is power in numbers.

    When a knowledge worker walks out the door, his work tools go with him. Auto workers don't have that advantage. You don't have to be much of a negotiator to take advantage of this fact.

    His knowledge might go with him, but all the places I've work have a rule in place that code developed for the company stays with the company. If you were good at your job and automated things, they will stay automated when you leave. No one else may know how to troubleshoot the processes or problems, but that's another issue.

    Exactly!!! Well said.

    If I'm maintaining/writing SQL, or whatever, most of the day, I'm sure there are thousands of people that could replace me today. Yes my knowledge of the company and our systems may leave but everything would keep going on without me. Now if I joined up with my entire team and we all demanded another week of vacation, or whatever it be, they would have to take it seriously.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.