• Thanks everybody. I'd been trying to figure this out for a while. I was using local variables with a case function which apparently don't work in a select statement. I even posed the question to a local SQL users group that meets on Microsoft campus, they thought it was an odd question too. Aah, the life of datamining.

    I was able to get Batgirl's query to work. I love the linear regression idea, too. Maybe that will be the next version. I need to figure what values to assign!

    Sean, I tried yours but got lost somewhere. Probably because I have several conditions (i.e. where clauses) that I don't want in the count but are universal. I figure if I filter by those first it will speed up the query.

    So here is my slight modification of Batgirls query.

    SELECT *

    FROM table


    --these UniversalConditions (where clauses) are mandatory all must be true





    --inside the Case Statement are Variable Conditions where I will accept 8

    --out of 10



    WHEN condition1 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition2 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition3 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition4 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition5 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition6 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition7 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition8 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition9 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END + CASE

    WHEN condition10 = 'xxx'

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    ) >= 8

    Is there always one more question?

    Mine is, "is there a way to have the total count display as well?" In other words, is this row a "10" a "9" or an "8"?