• I'm pretty much the same, with the addition of downloading and installing SQL Server Express (free) or purchasing the Sql Server Developer version (available for around $60 or so) on my laptop at home and just playing around. You can try all kinds of crazy things and not worry about nuking anything important. I have a Developer 2005 sandbox at work to play with which, though it is starting to show its age just a tad, is still a great training ground.

    I also attend PASS webcasts when possible and I'll be attending SQL Saturday in DC this December.

    My job is becoming increasingly geared toward database administration and development and I generally read up on topics relevant to whatever project I'm currently involved in. I've been bouncing around the idea of finding more formalized training either online or at a nearby college.

    Just my $0.02 from over here in the cheap seats of the peanut gallery - please adjust for inflation and/or your local currency.