Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies how to store multiple rows in a stored procedure's parameters and then insert them in a table RE: how to store multiple rows in a stored procedure's parameters and then insert them in a table

  • aeri_q (10/17/2013)

    it returns 3 rows for a specific table of my database.

    But when i wrote stored procedure using the same query it inserted the first row in my table. (The first of the 3 rows which where returned by the query,when executed alone)

    it will because .

    you below query will basically executed ONE time during every Sp execution and fill all the variable of INSERT statement once.









    Instead .... go with the query which OTF mentioned and use it in place of above SQL insert. .

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)