Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) join/merge 2 status tables (check statuses at any change) RE: join/merge 2 status tables (check statuses at any change)

  • tomek tomek (10/16/2013)


    I kind of have a solution, but it's messy (especially that I acutally have more tables like these to merge, and obviuosly there come joins with other tables).

    Maybe someone could suggest something better?

    ;WITH cte as(

    select DISTINCT t.[Object], t.date FROM table1 t


    select DISTINCT t.[Object], t.date FROM table2 t


    select * FROM cte

    outer APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 status1 FROM table1 tx

    WHERE tx.date<=cte.date AND tx.[Object]=cte.[OBJECT]

    ORDER BY tx.date DESC) t1

    outer APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 status2 FROM table2 tx

    WHERE tx.date<=cte.date and tx.[Object]=cte.[OBJECT]

    ORDER BY tx.date DESC) t2

    First, I think this is an excellent solution and, particularly, an excellent use of OUTER APPLY. Here are my suggestions:

    1) You can lose the DISTINCT operators in your cte; it causes an extra distinct sort in your query plan which adds cost but does not change your result set. You are using the UNION set operator which will guarantee unique values.

    2) I would avoid using reserved SQL words such as 'date' and 'object' in your column names.

    3) If you can add an clustered index to that table you would see notable performance improvements, especially if you will be doing a lot of joins.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001